
The motorized Voltstair helps contractors maintain their self-sufficiency & physical health, while increasing their bandwidth & efficiency.

Unnecessary Risk
Back injuries from heavy lifting are among the most common and debilitating injuries in physical trades. Reduce your exposure to risk of downtime and loss of profit by leaving the heavy lifting to the Voltstair.
Retain Independence
The less you have to outsource or hire additional personnel, the greater your profit margin will be. Every contractor needs additional assistance from time to time, but the Voltstair was created to minimize this need and increase profits.
Increased Efficiency
Accomplish more with less manpower. We’re here to help streamline your operation and increase your bottom line.
"The Voltstair has helped me maintain independence by giving me the ability to move much heavier objects on my own."
"The Voltstair has helped me maintain independence by giving me the ability to move much heavier objects on my own."
Alan Reighard - New York
Personal Contractor